Meet Marcia

I bring a lot to the table. Here's a little about me and how I create value based on experience.

  • I live what I teach and am continually upgrading my own health, self management and life habits. I study with world class teachers and in high level coaching programs so that I can create high levels programs for you. I do the work. I share what I learn.

  • I'm committed to making your experience transformative, supported, and wildly successful. This is about the long game, and I'll be with you every step of the way.

  • My life learning experiences and my training in health care, ayurveda, health coaching, and business give me a unique vantage point in the creation of customized programs to meet your evolving needs.

Let's Talk

Curious? Let's set up a time to talk about what you want to create, and how I can help.

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What My Client's Say About My Coaching


I had my 1:1 with Marcia this morning. Cannot emphasize enough the huge value to be found in these!!! Excellent opportunities to laser focus on what we want, where we want to go, what we want to be feeling on a personalized level we can't always dive so deeply/individually into in class. It can be small, it can be big, it can be whatever it just is. This is also a good window to start airing things we may not want(or be ready) to share with the rest of the group. These calls can also serve as a chance to track our progress. Marcia's heart, vast range of personal experience and study enable her to not just meet us where we are at but also to help guide us toward our next level, equipping us with tools and practical advice to manifest it. Really take advantage of these, definitely not to be missed!!

Overcome Overwhelm

A quick way to shift away from overwhelm? Learn my personal 5 step process- what you can do RIGHT NOW to stop overwhelm in its tracks.

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More About My Offerings

  • What kind of programs do you offer?

    My tiny courses are built for you to "learn from home." My signature programs are group coaching programs where we use the momentum of community to leverage change. And my VIP one-to-one programs bring you everything I know in a personalized package.

  • How do I know if I am ready?

    I work with clients who are committed to exploring ideas, experimenting with options, and working dynamically to make change happen in real time. You are here, exploring. This says a lot about what you want and your next steps. Have no fear- my programs are not for everyone. My signature programs are small, intimate, and require that you apply so that I can make sure you are indeed ready!

  • How do the group programs work?

    My signature programs- Thriving As You (health habits), Thriving At Work + Home (self management habits), and Thriving in Life (career and purpose planning)- are designed to create change that lasts. They are 6 month to one year long programs with online learning, weekly connection opportunities, and retreats and workshops that bring the learning to life. We make sure the programs are a good fit for you- which is why you apply before you buy!